This time SUPREME COURT seems to have been entered DILEMMA OF HORNS.. rather DEADLOCK.. better say DEAD END because whatever verdict SC would pronounce either farmers or Govt would not agree to follow.. Govt has atleast moral obligation but farmers are beyond SC's dictates so would refuse to budge.

Hope the controversy about METRO AND BULLET TRAIN locations doesn't halt, delay and derail both projects indefinitely with Mumbaikars being deprived of the transportation facilities for another few years till both PM and CM are from BJP.. !

If rumors become news and Bhai Jagtap is next MRCC president then it would be a disastrous situation before BMC election for Congress. Bhai Jagtap is sharp shooter when it comes to heated debates on news channels but while dealing with Congress leaders and workers his acidic reactions and blunt abusive language disturb distance them from party's organizational performance. He is too aggressive and enjoys adding salt to other opponents wound so has more enemies than friends in and out of party. When Congress as MAHAAGHADI would be contesting BMC elections in alliance with Shivsena a Marathi party actually a non Maharashtrian leader preferably from north Indian community would have been a better choice for MRCC presidentship. Anyway GANDHIS have no direct interest or connect with Mumbai politics so depend on advice by their favorite cronies.