Maharashtra Govt. avoiding its responsibility of opening schools and asking local authorities to decide is to be condemned and protested. Any decision about educational activities should be necessarily statewide as final exams would be held on state level and decriminalization among various cities or districts should not arise. Teachers, parents and office bearers of educational institutions should collectively decide when schools and educational institutions would reopen and That too simalteniously ! Varsha Gaikwad as education minister seems confused and always keeps adding to the chaos.
Ex & Future CM of Maharashtra Devendraji Phadanvis's role in Bihar elections was appreciated by all top Leaders including Amit Shaha and Nitish Kumar. Devendraji was in quarantine so Bihar missed his hypnotic enchanting mesmerizing speeches still from hospital he managed to mobilize organize energize and coordinate the party infrastructure in Bihar through his vast consolidated network he had built as soon as appointed in charge of Bihar elections. No doubt or dispute about Devendraji Phadanvis being most effective and offensive leader of the opposition in India though as a CM also he was acclaimed as the best CM. He has kept the MAHAAGHADI Govt on it's toes with his pointed criticism substantiated with proofs. Now Devendraji Phadanvis has declared that his next mission would be to contest and win BMC with BJP having clear majority on it's own. He has assigned the mission to MLA Atul Bhatkhalkar as in charge his trusted intelligent lieutenant and a proven organizer. Devendraji Phadanvis is determined and so destined to bring a change in BMC a challenge he has accepted!